Tips to build the right environment for your mental health | iQ Feel Good

In our iQ Feel Good Roundtable, adventurer Alex Staniforth described how having the right environment to live in is so important for maintaining your mental health. He described how “in the hierarchy of needs, having somewhere safe to vital. And if you don't have that and if you have a tough day, knowing that you have somewhere safe to go back to helps reduce that feeling of everything being a threat.”  

At iQ, we know how important having your own space can be. Having a space that feels right for you can help the space in your head feel free too. We’ve pointed to other ways to deal with stress and anxiety but where do you start when it comes to your room? We’ve thought up a few ways to help you build the right environment for your mental wellbeing.  

Avoid mess in your room 

Messy room, messy head. A number of studies describe how people who clean more regularly and keep a neater space are healthier. Clutter and mess can add to stress, anxiety and depression, so keeping a space that is clean and tidy can help to clear some space in your mind. Even the act of cleaning itself can help to get you moving around and staying stimulated.  

If you’ve got a lot of mess in your room, it might feel overwhelming when you choose to tackle it. Choose one section at a time to make it more manageable. When your room is in a good place, take daily actions to reduce clutter by building habits of putting things away and getting rid of rubbish as soon as you can. Buy yourself some organisational baskets, boxes or use the shelves in your room to put things together.  

Add some plants  

Adding some plants to your room can be a great way to add some life and character to your room. They’ll make the air brighter, boosting your mood and cleaning the indoor air. Plus, having something to care for and look after is quite therapeutic and can remind you of your own need for self-care.  

Use calming colours   

While you might not be able to change the colour of your walls, adding soft furnishings and decorations to your room can be a great way of building an environment that supports your wellbeing. If you want a room that’s energising, bright, warm colours like oranges and yellows are best. For a more calming energy, cool blues and greens are the way to go.  

Think bed sheets, cushions, organisers and even your coffee mugs.  

Let there be light 

Sun out, blinds open. Letting some light into your room is so important for keeping your space bright and airy. Sunlight can increase your productivity, boost your energy levels and help you stay in the mood when you’re doing your work. When it’s dark, some warm fairy lights can add another feature in your room that feels like a warm hug. 

Make it feel like home 

Personalise your room in a way that doesn’t make it feel like a strange place. If you miss home, add some photos of your family or bring along a cushion that reminds you of your old sofa. 

You should also make sure you’ve got a bed that you can sleep well in. A good quality quilt, pillows and bedding will help you to relax at night and get the sleep that you need to maintain a  






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