A part-time job is the perfect opportunity for students to earn some extra money for essentials and nights out. But what exactly is a part-time job? Typically, a part-time job involves working fewer than 35 hours a week but often, part-time hours are much less than this.
For students, part-time work can mean a few evening shifts per week or weekend work. There are even work-from-home part-time jobs that you can do from the comfort of your iQ Student Accommodation!
In addition to earning income, part-time work can help you build skills for your future career including time management and networking, and boost career prospects after graduation.
There are various types of part-time jobs that offer flexibility, allowing students to work around their study schedules and gain valuable experience.
Working in restaurants, bars, or hotels is one of the best jobs to work part-time for students. These jobs often offer flexible shifts, including evenings and weekends, allowing you to work around your lectures.
Part-time retail jobs are popular with university students, especially during busy holiday periods. Customer service and sales roles offer part-time job options with flexible hours, making it easier to balance work and study.
Fed up of searching for ‘part time jobs near me’? Try your local coffee shop! Barista jobs offer a relaxed work environment with part-time hours that fit well around your studies. Plus, coffee job roles are often located conveniently on or near campuses to meet the student demand for caffeine.
Tutoring is one of the best places for part-time jobs if you're skilled in a particular subject or further into your degree. Whether you teach English online or Computer Science in-person, tutoring allows you to set your own hours, making it ideal for balancing your studies.
Looking for jobs you can do from home with no experience in the UK? Freelancing online in areas like writing, graphic design, or digital marketing offers flexibility. These work-from-home part-time jobs allow you to work from anywhere and choose your own schedule.
The part-time job market can be ultra-competitive. Finding part-time work as a student is easier when you know where to look, whether through online portals, university services, or direct applications.
Cold calling might be considered old-fashioned in our digital age, but it works. Many local businesses, especially in retail and hospitality, still accept walk-in applications. Drop off a CV and ask to speak with the manager when looking for part-time jobs near me.
Job boards like Indeed and specialist student websites like StudentJob offer part-time jobs for students and online part-time jobs. You can search for opportunities by location, such as part-time jobs for students near me, and apply easily online.
Most universities offer dedicated career services that list part-time jobs for students on campus or nearby. These jobs are often designed to fit around student timetables.
Being proactive, well-prepared, and building connections can help you secure the best part-time jobs that fit around your studies.
Start looking early to find the best part-time jobs in the UK. Some roles, especially part-time retail jobs, hire before busy seasons like Christmas.
Tailor your CV for the part-time jobs you’re applying to, highlighting any relevant skills or experience.
Being involved in extracurriculars can make you more appealing to employers and help you build a network.
Networking is key when learning how to find part-time jobs in the UK. Attend job fairs and use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with employers.
Yes, international students can work up to 20 hours a week during term time and full-time during holidays, as long as they have the right visa.
It's important to manage your time effectively, prioritising your studies while using your free time for work. Part-time jobs with flexible hours, like tutoring or remote freelance work, are great options.
It's best to start your search as early as possible, especially if you're looking for part-time jobs near me that are in high demand, like hospitality or retail.
Yes, you'll need a National Insurance Number to work legally in the UK, including part-time jobs for students.
If you're looking for a living space that supports your studies, work and more, visit the iQ Student Accommodation website to find uni room options designed to support every lifestyle.