Where to get support when you need it

As people that give students their home away from, we know that student wellbeing is important. Making sure our residents are safe and happy is our top priority.

iQ Feel Good offers our residents the right help on hand, whenever they need it, whether that’s guidance from our site teams or support from our partners at Shout UK.

Here’s where you can get support as an iQ resident.

Your site team

Your site team is on hand to support you with whatever you need. That could mean asking for something you need in your room or even just having a chat.

You’ll see your site team every time you go in and out of the building, so there’s plenty of chance to get to know each other.

City Wellbeing Ambassadors

Our City Wellbeing Ambassadors are iQers that have been recruited to help advocate and champion mental health and wellbeing across our properties. They bring their passion and experience to their roles and are helping shape what we offer you as residents and how we can continue supporting your wellbeing.

Talk to your site team about getting in contact with your local City Wellbeing Ambassador.


SHOUT is a free, confidential, 24/7 mental health support text line that you can use to get support whenever you need it. We’ve partnered with the charity to offer support with issues such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression, relationships or bullying.

The service can be accessed from anywhere, at anytime, by a UK mobile service user. To access the support, simply text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258.


You don’t always have to talk to get support. Meditation can be a great way to recentre yourself and find some time to breathe.

As an iQ resident, you have access to Headspace premium so that you can manage your mind in your own time. Get your free premium Headspace subscription here. 



Location inspiration

If you're not sure where you're heading yet, take a look around our properties in all corners of the UK.

Great Newton House, Liverpool

Shoreditch, London