Celebrating International Women's Day 2024: Inspire Inclusion 

What is International Women's Day? 

International Women's Day is celebrated each year on the 8th March. It gives us a chance to put a spotlight on the achievements of women for everyone to see while advocating for gender equality. It’s a day for us all to look at what progress we’re making towards equality and acknowledge where we might be falling short in seeing to the ongoing struggles women face worldwide.  

What's the theme for 2024? 

IWD is celebrated through the lens of a different theme each year. This year, the theme is #InspireInclusion. It’s about making sure that every space is open and accessible to women regardless of their background. It’s about giving a voice to all women. It’s about finding ways to support women in feeling valued, respected and most of all, included.  

Why is International Women's Day so important? 

Still today, women across the world have to face hardships inequal to their male counterparts. That might mean in the workplace or in their home lives, at the detriment to their social standing or educational rights.  

International Women's Day serves as a reminder of the progress we’ve already made towards gender equality but also highlights the work that still needs to be done. Women have been forces of change for a long time and this is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women throughout history and shine a light on why things should be different.  


What are some ways organisations #InspireInclusion? 

  • Give credit to women where it’s due 

  • Offer mentorship to women 

  • Call out when women get interrupted 

  • Create opportunities for women to speak up 

  • Hire diverse talent, including women 

  • Make sure your organisation meets the needs of women 

  • Encourage women-owned businesses  


How are we celebrating International Women’s Day at iQ? 

At iQ, we want you to strike your #InspireInclusion pose on Instagram. Tag us @iqstudents for your chance to win some prizes – but make sure your profile is public for us to see! 




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Fountainbridge, Edinburgh

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Astor House, Plymouth