Don't forget your TV Licence refund

Student life

If you have a TV in your room or flat, and bought a TV Licence for it (which, of course, you did), you could be due a bit back if you're moving out of iQ soon.

TV Licences cover a full year, but many students forget to claim back what they are perfectly entitled to when they leave their student accommodation - if they even realise it at all. So, don't be one of them.

You just need to be moving to a licensed address and provide evidence of your change in circumstances - for example, your iQ tenancy agreement. It's possible you will be eligible for a refund of up to around £50.

It's pretty easy to sort out, too - just go to or you can give them a call on 0300 790 6113.

And, if you need any further incentive to act, three words: Mrs Brown's Boys.

Go get it.

Not sure if you need a TV Licence? Check our FAQs

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