Make it your Own: Sara Alhashar

Make it your Own iQ life

Chef Sara Alhashar was a great person to have around at iQ. Her lucky co-residents got to taste her work after a long day at uni.


"Hi, I’m Sara, I’m from Oman, I lived in iQ Bloomsbury and I’m a chef.

Growing up I would always be in the kitchen. I loved all the food and eating, and my Grandma was always cooking. iQ helped me being a chef by the community in the building. I was able to share my food with everyone here.

iQ helped me with the community in the building. I was able to share my food with everyone here.

What I used to do was come back from school with a lot of food that I couldn’t eat myself, and I would just leave it in reception, or even in my room if it was hot food, and meet my neighbours, basically.


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I made it my own by pursuing my dream of becoming a chef and moving away from my family to London, which is a cultural hub for food."


Check out Sara's culinary journey on Instagram

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