


我们设计的支付系统简单方便。 以下是您在支付租金时可能遇到的相关问题。



您既可以预付全年费用,也可以分四期付款。 在预订过程中,您将被告知这些分期付款的截止日期。

如果您计划使用学生贷款来支付租金,请注意您可能还没有受到学生贷款在第一笔付款日期截止之前。 为了解决这个问题,第一期的租金将比其他三期租金少一些。




您可以通过我们的合作伙伴Western Union,或者通过信用卡或借记卡、国际银行转账支付全额租金。

对于信用卡付款,我们需要卡号,有效期和安全码。 我们接受Visa,Visa借记卡,万事达卡和Maestro。

对于国际银行转帐,当我们准备收取您的付款时,您将收到一个Western Union付款的链接 - 转账通常在三到四个工作日内完成。



分期付款可以通过信用卡或借记卡,通过我们的合作伙伴Western Union进行国际银行转账,或(通过英国银行账户进行)直接付款。

对于信用卡付款,我们需要卡号,有效期和安全码。 我们接受Visa,Visa借记卡,万事达卡和Maestro。

对于国际银行转帐,当我们准备收取您的付款时,您将收到一个Western Union付款的链接 - 转账通常在三到四个工作日内完成。

如果您持有英国银行账户,您也可以通过Direct Debit付款。 这是在英国银行和建筑协会的授权之下,直接从您的帐户扣去您的分期付款租金。

点击此处下载我们的Direct Debit表格 - 需要您的银行帐号,银行代码以及银行名称和地址。



它是什么 - 您可以使用一张固定的卡付款,我们的支付服务保障系统就会安全地储存卡的详细信息,以便我们以后收款。




如果有更多疑问关于英格兰和威尔士的取消预订政策,请点击 here



按时支付租金很重要。 如果您无法按时付款,请与您住宿点的工作人员联系,尽快讨论您的情况。



如果关于分期付款您有更多疑问, 可以直接通过电话联系您入住的公寓 phone 或者使用我们通过contact form 取得联系。

How can I pay?

Easy Pay

iQ Easy Pay

iQ Easy Pay is a new online service that helps you make instant payments into an iQ account.

Find out more

UK card payments

UK card payments

Students with UK credit or debit cards can log in online or via the iQ app to pay by card

Find out more



We also partner with Convera for a simple way to make international bank transfers

Find out more


Do I have to pay the first instalment to secure my booking?

You have to pay your first rent instalment when it falls due on 1st August or shortly after making your booking if you make it after 1st August to secure your booking.

I'm having trouble paying my first instalment this soon

If you are having trouble paying for your first instalment or your student finance is not in place, you can talk to a member of our team about your circumstances and see what we can do to help, you can contact your site by phone or get in touch using our contact form

When do I pay?

You can either pay for the whole year upfront, or in two or four instalments spread throughout the year. You’ll find out the dates for these instalments during the booking process.

Our first instalment is usually due on 1st August each year but if this date has already passed, you need to make this payment as soon as possible to secure your booking.

If you’re planning on using your student loan to cover your costs, please be aware that you might not have received your loan before the first payment is due. To help with this, the first instalment will be smaller than the rest. We charge a small instalment ahead of your move in so that we know you plan to arrive at iQ and so we can get you into your new home as quickly as possible. If at any time you're struggling to meet the payment deadlines it is important you speak to us as soon as possible. 

Why has my card payment failed?

Failed payments can be frustrating, but understanding the common reasons can help you resolve the issue quickly. Some common reasons for failed payments include:

  • Missing or incorrect CV2 (the three digits on the back of the card)
  • Incorrect card type or issuer selected
  • Typo in bank details, including extra spaces
  • Closing a browser window, using the forward and back buttons or refreshing the page
  • Failing Cardholder Verification (3D Secure), whether a pre-set password, a code sent via text, or an in-app verification - if this is your first purchase with this card, you may need to set up this verification method beforehand

If your payment is failing outside of these issues, it might be worth contacting your bank for further assistance.

What happens if I don’t get accepted for my chosen university?

If, unfortunately, you need to cancel your booking with us because you haven’t got into the university of your choice or are having problems acquiring a visa, subject to the booking terms and conditions, your first instalment and your booking fee are fully refundable.

You can read more about the cancellation policy for properties in England and Wales here and for our properties in Scotland here.

What if I’m having difficulty making payment?

It’s important that you keep up with your payment schedule. If you can’t make a payment, please get in touch with your local iQ team to discuss your situation as soon as possible. We’re always keen to help our residents and the best way to do this is by speaking to us – if you don’t, we may need to refer your non-payment to a third party rent collection agency.

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

If you have a question about your instalment dates or amounts, you can contact your iQ team by phone or get in touch using our contact form